My invitation to preach came two weeks ago, at the conclusion of a nightly church service held by the village's only congregation. Being that it was really more of an order than an invitation, I told them I was more than willing to speak for a few minutes during a Sunday service.
Reading from the book of James, I spoke to the church of about 30 members about how Christians are instructed to respond to trials. An interpreter translated after each of my sentences, and a child read the entire chapter (James 1) prior to the beginning of the service.
The highlight of the morning came when I neared the conclusion, and surprised the congregation by reaching for my second Bible, which was the Twi version. I closed with Hebrews 12:1, reading the text from the Twi Bible while the interpreter read from my English version.
The body of believers enjoyed sharing the morning's service with a Christian from across the Atlantic, and those of us from the group who attended thoroughly enjoyed the dancing and singing that goes along with the praise and worship here. It was a Sunday to remember.