It's official: my younger brother Logan is a high school graduate. Not that this was ever really in doubt. I was proud to watch him graduate and deliver the closing remarks of his graduation ceremony last Friday as Class President.
The only small stain on the awesome event was the school district's choice not to publicly recognize Logan as his class's Valedictorian. Logan was Valedictorian of his class of over 400 students. Unfortunately for Logan, he was number one academically in the first class in Midland High School history that would not recognize the Valedictory honors during the ceremony (not even in the program)! It's a shame that Logan's success went largely unnoticed.
Midland High's new cum laude system can - and should - coexist with recognition of the peak performers. As long as high school track meets are giving out golds and silvers, and as long as sports teams and leagues still award MVPs, Valedictorians and Salutatorians should still be recognized for their exceptional academic success.
So here's to my brother Logan - the first Valedictorian in Midland High history not to be formally recognized as such. Logan will be at Michigan State University next year studying Chemical Engineering as an Alumni Distinguished Scholar.